
Slovenski mladinski orkester na Festival Ljubljana
Slovenian Youth Orchestra at Festival Ljubljana

Urnik / Schedule

Sunday, 18/08/2024 10:00-13:00
Monday, 19/08/2024 10:00-13:00
Tuesday, 20/08/2024 10:00-13:00
Wednesday, 21/08/2024 16:00

Aktinovsti / Activities

Sekcijske vaje / Sectional rehearsals
Sekcijske vaje / Sectional rehearsals
Sekcijske vaje / Sectional rehearsals
Tutti vaja / Tutti rehearsal
Tutti vaja / Tutti rehearsal
Tutti vaja / Tutti rehearsal
Generalna vaja / General rehearsal
Koncert / Concert

Vaje bodo potekale v Ljubljani.
Dodatne podrobnosti o vajah bodo objavljene.

Pridržujemo si pravico do spremembe urnika in lokacije vseh dejavnosti, povezanih s projektom.

The rehearsals will take place in Ljubljana.
Further details for rehearsals will be announced.

We reserve the right to change the schedule and location of all project related activities.

Člane SMO vabimo, da se nam pridružite na Poletnem orkesterskem kampu (POK), kjer bo za vas brezplačna udeležba v času tutti vaj in koncerta, 18.-21.8.2024. Če pa želite doživeti celotno POK izkušnjo od 14.-21.8.2024 (vključno z delavnicami), pa za člane SMO ponujamo posebno ceno : 300,- € za 8 dni glasbe, delavnico po vaši izbiri, polni penzion in koncertni nastop na Festivalu Ljubljana na odru Križank. Za prijavo in več informacij nas kontaktirajte na artist@art-bsa.eu

SMO members are invited to join us for the Summer Orchestra Camp (POK), where you will be able to attend the tutti rehearsals and concert, 18-21 August 2024, free of charge. If you would like to experience the full POK experience from 14-21 August 2024 (including workshops), we offer a special price for SMO members: € 300,- for 8 days of music, a workshop of your choice, full board and a concert performance at the Ljubljana Festival on the Križanke stage. To apply and for further information, please contact artist@art-bsa.eu