Collaboration with Jan Plestenjak – an Icon of Slovenian Pop Music0801Just before 2024 came to an end, the Slovenian Youth Orchestra (SMO)...
Z GLASBO IN HUMORJEM MED GLASBENE KLASIKE0410Tilen Artač, velemojster imitacije, predvsem pa akademsko izobražen glasbenik, je...
Sold-Out Concerts of the Classic Artač Tour at the Slovenian Philharmonic0210Minuli vikend je bil za Slovenski mladinski orkester zaznamovan z...
Iskanje glasbene duhovitosti v klasični glasbi2109Živa Ploj Peršuh, Tilen Artač S Slovenskim mladinskim orkestrom se odpravljata...
Klasični Artač ali koncertno doživetje, ki obeta veliko kakovostne glasbe in smeha0709ŽIVA PLOJ PERŠUH IN TILEN ARTAČ Priznana dirigentka in velemojster imitacij...
Začenja se turneja Klasični Artač0309Slovenski mladinski orkester in Tilen Artač prihajata v 13 slovenskih mest Ljubljana,...
August 2025
The Summer Orchestra Camp of the Slovenian Youth Orchestra is an educational programme where young musicians become acquainted with the workings of a real symphony orchestra through socialising and rehearsals.
The grand finale of the camp will once again be a joint concert with renowned soloists and members of the Slovenian Youth Orchestra on the large stage of Križanke as part of the Festival Ljubljana, where the young musicians will showcase their newly acquired knowledge and experience for the seventh consecutive year.