
World Earth Day


Ljubljana, Slovenia

22 April 2021

The Event

The Slovenian National Youth Orchestra is made up of the most promising Slovenian musicians aged 12 to 22. The purpose of the orchestra is to inspire enthusiasm for the art of music and art in general, to weave bonds of friendship and to learn. Young people develop their potential on stage and learn how to use it in a group, while learning to diversify their musical and personal paths. Just1planet is Care4Climate's strongest call to action to raise awareness and take action for the well-being of our one and only planet. CARE4CLIMATE is an integrated project that promotes the implementation of actions to help Slovenia meet its greenhouse gas emission reduction targets by 2020 and 2030 through awareness raising, education and training of key stakeholders.

Pustite nam ta svet (Leave Us This World),

All our paper fairy tales are running away from us,
their heroes come alive among us.
We lock all our fairy tales in a world of their own,
on the door it just says: No adult entrance.

Pustite nam ta svet (Leave Us This World),
innocent and different.
Let everyone who is trapped in it,
will be genuine, unadulterated.

All our fairy tales are our first dreams,
he who no longer dreams should not enter them.
All our fairy tales are realities, not illusions,
he who is not himself part of it does not hear and does not see.

(Text: Dušan Velkaverh)


World Earth Day

Živa Ploj Peršuh and friends

Date of broadcast: 22 Apr 2021

Length: 1 hr 15 min 43 sec.


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The project was carried out together with


LIFE IP CARE4CLIMATE is an integrated project that promotes the implementation of measures to help Slovenia meet its greenhouse gas emission reduction targets by 2020 and 2030 through awareness-raising, education and training of key stakeholders. The project addresses a number of areas that may seem mundane at first glance, but which have a significant impact on the occurrence or mitigation of climate change. The LIFE IP Care4Climate project (LIFE17 IPC/SI/000007) is co-funded by the European LIFE Programme, the Climate Change Fund and the project partners. Read more about the project here.